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Ethernaut - Stake - Solution

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    Marco Besier, Ph.D.

Ethernaut - Stake - Solution


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract Stake {

    uint256 public totalStaked;
    mapping(address => uint256) public UserStake;
    mapping(address => bool) public Stakers;
    address public WETH;

    constructor(address _weth) payable{
        totalStaked += msg.value;
        WETH = _weth;

    function StakeETH() public payable {
        require(msg.value > 0.001 ether, "Don't be cheap");
        totalStaked += msg.value;
        UserStake[msg.sender] += msg.value;
        Stakers[msg.sender] = true;
    function StakeWETH(uint256 amount) public returns (bool){
        require(amount >  0.001 ether, "Don't be cheap");
        (,bytes memory allowance) =, msg.sender,address(this)));
        require(bytesToUint(allowance) >= amount,"How am I moving the funds honey?");
        totalStaked += amount;
        UserStake[msg.sender] += amount;
        (bool transfered, ) =, msg.sender,address(this),amount));
        Stakers[msg.sender] = true;
        return transfered;

    function Unstake(uint256 amount) public returns (bool){
        require(UserStake[msg.sender] >= amount,"Don't be greedy");
        UserStake[msg.sender] -= amount;
        totalStaked -= amount;
        (bool success, ) = payable(msg.sender).call{value : amount}("");
        return success;
    function bytesToUint(bytes memory data) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(data.length >= 32, "Data length must be at least 32 bytes");
        uint256 result;
        assembly {
            result := mload(add(data, 0x20))
        return result;


The goal of this level is to manipulate the level instance's contract state such that:

  1. The Stake contract's ETH balance is greater than 0.
  2. totalStaked is greater than the Stake contract's ETH balance.
  3. Our player EOA is registered as a staker.
  4. Our player EOA's staked balance is 0.

To fulfill requirements 3. and 4., we first call StakeETH() and subsequently Unstake(), specifying the first call's value as the second call's amount.

To fulfill requirement 1., we can use an account different from our player EOA (let's call that account "minion") and call StakeETH() from our minion's account. Notice that this leaves requirements 3. and 4. intact.

Lastly, to fulfill requirement 2., we first notice that 0xdd62ed3e is the function selector for WETH's allowance() while 0x23b872dd is the selector for transferFrom(). Furthermore, we see that the return value of the low-level call

(bool transfered, ) =, msg.sender,address(this),amount));

is not properly validated. In other words, StakeWETH() does not revert if the external function call reverts. Instead, it simply continues execution.

Therefore, we can fulfill requirement 2. by having our minion call

  1. approve() on the WETH contract, specifying a non-zero _value and the level instance as the _spender (to determine WETH's address, use await contract.WETH() in the Ethernaut console).
  2. StakeWETH() specifying the allowance given in step 1. as the amount.