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Up-To-Date Solutions for Ethernaut

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    Marco Besier, Ph.D.

This post is a collection of up-to-date solutions to all challenges of OpenZeppelin's Ethernaut CTF. I plan to update this post regularly. Therefore, if you have any feedback regarding any of the solutions, I'd love to hear about it in my X DMs @marcobesier. Happy hacking!

  1. Fallback
  2. Fallout
  3. Coin Flip
  4. Telephone
  5. Token
  6. Delegation
  7. Force
  8. Vault
  9. King
  10. Re-entrancy
  11. Elevator
  12. Privacy
  13. Gatekeeper One
  14. Gatekeeper Two
  15. Naught Coin
  16. Preservation
  17. Recovery
  18. MagicNumber
  19. Alien Codex
  20. Denial
  21. Shop
  22. Dex
  23. Dex Two
  24. Puzzle Wallet
  25. Motorbike
  26. DoubleEntryPoint
  27. Good Samaritan
  28. Gatekeeper Three
  29. Switch
  30. HigherOrder
  31. Stake