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Ethernaut - Delegation - Solution

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    Marco Besier, Ph.D.

Ethernaut - Delegation - Solution


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Delegate {
    address public owner;

    constructor(address _owner) {
        owner = _owner;

    function pwn() public {
        owner = msg.sender;

contract Delegation {
    address public owner;
    Delegate delegate;

    constructor(address _delegateAddress) {
        delegate = Delegate(_delegateAddress);
        owner = msg.sender;

    fallback() external {
        (bool result,) = address(delegate).delegatecall(;
        if (result) {


Our goal in this level is to become the owner of the Delegate contract. To achieve this, we can send a transaction to the Delegation contract, specifying the pwn() function's selector in the calldata. This will trigger Delegation's fallback() function since pwn()'s function selector does not correspond to any function in Delegation. The fallback() function will in turn make a delegatecall to the Delegate contract's pwn() function since our calldata matches pwn()'s selector. Since we "delegatecalled" pwn(), msg.sender is still our externally owned account's address, making us the new owner of the Delegate contract.

To sum up, one needs to perform two steps to solve this level:

  1. Compute pwn()'s function selector. It reads 0xdd365b8b. (Recall that the function selector is the first four bytes of the keccak256 hash of the function signature. There are several tools available to compute it in no time.)
  2. Send the transaction explained above using the Ethernaut console via:
contract.sendTransaction({data: "0xdd365b8b"})